We at PTPL, offer computer maintenance services on yearly basis. When you or your business activities depend on computers you need to maintain your system. Our computer maintenance services is not only about repairing or replacing faulty hardware, but also offering quality services to the maintenance of the system including hardware and software.

We have hired the best talent available in the market. Our computer engineers are capable of solving any problems related to the computing system involving software, hardware, LAN, wireless networks and internet etc. We only hire certified and qualified and upgrade them with training in the latest technologies.

If you are looking for accuracy, speed and reliability in maintenance services an AMC (Annual Maintenance Contract) with PTPL could be the right option for you since we offer end-to-end solution encompassing software, hardware, network and security backed up by right teamwork and professional approach.

We offer the complete range of AMC services as follows :

• Assembling and upgrading the PCs.

• Troubleshooting

• Printer and Monitor maintenance, repairing and servicing

• Repairing of Hard Disk, Modem, Mother Board and CD-ROM etc.

• All the services related to Networking

• Services based on Internet

• Protecting the system from virus and removing of Software

• During major breakdowns, we provide standby parts if to be repaired/ replaced by us

• Competitive charges in case of major breakdowns and procurement of parts at the best prices available in the industry.
